Why I’ve Stopped Texting Back

Technology grants us access to people whenever we need them, but 24/7 availability isn’t always a good thing.

5 min readNov 29, 2019
Photo by Jonah Pettrich on Unsplash

I’m the worst possible person when it comes to texting/messaging/WhatsApping/Snapchatting back. It’s not deliberate; I’m naturally lazy and, without meaning to exude pretentiousness, prefer in person or phone-call conversations. Communication is a beautiful expressive medium that allows us to extract similarities/differences from other people’s subconscious, helping us to expand our worldly knowledge and share our humanity. However, talking to people consumes a significant amount of energy, and I feel a lot of us often forget that.

The technology we use to interact with each other proves we’re really in the future now. Friends and family are well within digital reach, but that doesn’t mean to say we’re all readily available. Not responding to people within a limited timeframe tends to be regarded as anti-social and downright rude, and it isn’t restricted to people you know, either. Everyone from employers to brands you unwittingly subscribed to demand your attention, and will bombard you with e-mails, texts, and Facebook messages until they get what they want.

It’s all incredibly draining. It’s also disrespectful of the human need to switch off every once in a…

